Thank you for registering your model for the upcoming Clay Model Academy Casting Call. We are eager to have your model showcase their talents despite their experience in hopes to have him/her casted to join the 2024 Clay Model Academy where we are focused on confidence building, social skills, a family oriented network and organization and much more!

"At The Clay Model Academy where we are Stepping Beyond The Runway"


Below are the necessities and requirements to for all virtual casters:


1. Be sure to test out your device prior to the casting rather it be a laptop, desktop, camera one a tripod or tablet. its very important judges can get a full screen on the model walk.


2. Be sure your model is setup in a very well lit room on area free of a lot of background distractions we suggest a clear empty hallway, garage or basement.


3. ALL devices should be placed on MUTE upon entering the room!


4. Long clear hallway at least 20ft long to conduct a proper runway walk.


5. If your model has a microphone device he/she can attach to his/her shirt while casting would be great if not be sure your devices volume is turned completely to the max.


6. Please check your email! Your model will be emailed a number please using a 5x7 piece of paper and either safety pins or clear tape write your models number in BOLD black marker and place the number on the front mid chest of your model prior to the start of the virtual casting this final step is CRUCIAL. 


A. Comp Card: Please assure your model has submitted via email to by 12:00pm the day of the casting a 8x10 or 5x7 model comp card, your model comp card should include: 

-Collage including: Two headshot photos, One lifestyle personality photo

-Models email address (not a parents please register your model a gmail account its FREE)

-Models parent(s) phone number 

-Models current: Size runs, Shoe size, Height and Weight 


B. Dresscode: Please ensure your model is dressed in ALL BLACK top and bottom, boys black sneaker and girls 6+ black heel 1.5 inch+. No exceptions whatsoever on the dress code attire your model will not be able to cast if he/she isn't in the stated dress code. 


E. Casting Directives Below: 


E1: Models are expected to be able to confidently introduce themselves stating their name, age, city and state in which they reside. 


E2: Models are expected to have at least 3 poses to display while on the runway however we will ask for a total of 5 poses. Please get a head start on confident age appropriate poses.


E3: Models are expected to be able to answer one of the below questions in a full or as close to a full sentence as possible, these questions will be asked at random again only one question per registrant at random:

1. What does being a model mean to you?

2. Why is it important to be a great leader?

3. Are you excited to be here at the Clay Model Academy casting call and why?

4. How do you respond to someone being mean to you?

5. Who is your favorite person in the whole world and why?



Tuesday February 20, 2024




Everywhere Virtual World Goes! 



5:45pm EST- Virtual Room Opens (check in begins)

6:00pm EST- Number bibs will be issued and release waivers will be signed


NOTE 1: New model moms and registrants please note: No model no matter their previous relationship with Clay brand, Clay Luxury Kids will be giving special treatment and or exceptions. All attending models will be required and judged based on the above requirements. We are also only accepting 100 models into the Clay Model Academy this year so this will not be your typical casting where the majority are accepted however we are accepting all levels of talent and are mostly interested in the beginner to intermediate models so please practice prior to casting!







Fashionably Yours,
Valerie Thomas| CEO

Atlanta, Georgia HQ
O: (216) 543-4152