Tips and tricks on preparing for a organized week
Being organized is probably the toughest hurdle for many to tackle. As a new mom of two little girls, ages 6 years old and 3 months, planning a wedding, tackling a house renovation, and returning to work full time, as well as embarking in the entrepreneur world, my days seemed to never end.
As moms, we strive to be super mom and never miss a beat, but the key to being that super mom is being ORGANIZED. Before I tackled this hurdled, I was finding myself being overly exhausted, scattered, and running behind on daily task.
Getting out the house with the little ones and all their gadgets and bags, as well as my personal items, was causing me to have anxiety. So as I sat in my car at work all frazzled and beyond irritated, I told myself I need to get control of things. So I began organizing my days. Not just having clothes out, but really planning my day out to maximize my time with my family and myself.
In getting my life organized, I realized it was simpler than I thought. I didn’t need to go out and buy planners, books, or organizing items. I just had to make a plan and stick to it. Here are some simple things that helped me:
1. Planning my week out every Sunday!
Sundays I typically plan meals for the week, pack all snacks, organize school outfits, and restock all baby items (milk, pampers, wipes, etc.). This typically takes 2 hours.
2. I get ready first
I wake up almost an hour early to pump milk, handle my personal hygiene, get dressed, and get breakfast started then process to waking up the little ones.
3. Rely on everyone to pull their weight in the house
Everyone in our home has a chore or task that has to be done to help me stay sane my six year old gets herself ready daily, as well as vacuum (weekly), and assist with feeding her sister in the mornings. My fiancé puts the girls to bed at night so I can wind down, clean up, and prepare for the next day. He also packs the car each night to lighten my daily and morning load. As a family we all do the laundry together. My six year olds folds towels and puts away her clothes and my fiancé and I take turns washing and putting away all other clothing.
4. I run my meals like clock work
My breakfast and dinner is the same time every day. This allow me to not waste time on trying to get the little ones to eat, they are always hungry at a set time. But some days may not go as planned, so the meal is still prepped prepared and able to be warmed to eat at later time.
5. Mess ups are planned
As any parent know, your kids are unpredictable. Somethings I can control through routine, but I know at times I will deal with excessive crying, silliness, crankiness, procrastination, and any other emotion they may feel. So I give myself extra time daily to combat those issues without losing any planned time, and if nothing happens then I have an extra hour for family time or me time.
6. I say NO!
With my first daughter I was an overachiever, hosting play dates, sleepovers, volunteering, and just giving myself to everyone. That drove me crazy and caused my life to be hectic. I have learned to tell people no when something will over extend my time, mess my schedule up, or I just don’t want to do it. I say no and own it with no explanation to the other person.
Guest Blogger:
Erica Fellows, MPA